Last week, me, myself and I hopped on a plane to Cali! Yes, you read that right, I flew across the country without my husband and three kiddos in tote. Of course I missed them the second I boarded the plane– but as I sat down, drank my coffee and prepped for my message I was speaking on Sunday, I was happy to have some time away.
I love flying–it’s my time to read, watch a movie or sleep, uninterrupted. These days, it’s a little more like a juggling act when I take my crew along with me. So, this was a nice change.
I had been anticipating this trip for a while! A year ago, I made plans to join Holly Wagner for her annual GodChicks conference. This conference has played a huge role in my life for the past 9 years! I have only missed 3 since first attending 9 years ago. Each year that I go, I leave changed, strengthened and commissioned to go out and be who God has called me to be!! Before saying yes to the call of God on my life years ago, (ministry/planting a church, etc) I attended my first #GodChicks Conference. I remember looking at Holly…Watching her face and body language as she stepped off the platform, trying to get a glimpse of her life. I watched how she interacted with the keynote speakers and the visitors who wanted a quick conversation with her.
“I could do this!!”, I thought to myself. If she can surrender her life to Jesus, trust Him and still smile and authentically love people, I can too. It was then that I embraced the call of God on my life–my life has never been the same.
I have had the honor to get to know Holly a little better since that day. Every time I get to be around her, if even for a second, it’s like a breath of fresh air. Her kindness and love for people are two of the many qualities I desire to have as I live this daring adventure. Ministry and the realities of dealing with people and their issues have a way of dulling the authentic love and kindness towards people you once had when you began your journey. So, to see these specific qualities rich in her life, has been encouraging as I have faced challenges, hardships and tough seasons since saying yes!
This past week, I was a part of history! I, along with 3,000 women from all across the earth gathered in the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles. This was the first time in history that an event like this has ever taken place. It was breathtaking. Where people are given Academy Awards, we are lifting up the name of Jesus! No big deal!!!!
As the opening note of “How Great Thou Art” began to play, I had a BLOG moment.
I heard Jesus whisper to me–“Sarah, you are experiencing this moment because someone dared to believe me… Because someone was willing to fight, sacrifice.. Because someone wasn’t willing to stop, back down or stop running when adversity, failure of hardship occurred.”
“Sarah, what are you willing to sacrifice, lay down, believe for that others will get to experience because of your bravery?”
I immediately thought about my kids–especially my daughters. What I believe God for, what I chase after and what I fight for, my girls will be able to experience!
I think about how in 2015 I get to share the good news of Jesus with my world because of the sacrifice and the fearlessness of those who went before me! How I am able to preach the gospel of Jesus because of the women who were brave enough to take their place in the body of Christ. What I experience today, the freedoms I have, the realities I walk in, are a result of people who were brave and who did good.
The conference was centered around that concept, “Be Brave and Do Good.” My question is this, “When you are tired, discouraged, faced with adversity, what’s that one thing that will keep you running? What is that thing that because of your faithfulness others will experience?
Is it making sure children have food to eat, is it fighting against the injustice of human trafficking? What about making sure no child is homeless? What about fighting for everyone to get the education they deserve? What is your one thing?
I’m so thankful that Holly kept fighting, kept pioneering and kept trusting Jesus. Because of her faithfulness, I was a part of history.
When we place these audacious dreams and desires into the hands of Jesus ,He shows us that without Him, these dreams and hopes could never come true–but in Him, ALL things are possible.
Gods purpose for your life is bigger than anything you could ever imagine!
TRUTH: “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” –Steve Jobs
DARE: Be brave, do good.
