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Baby No. 3

Writer: Sarah JohnsonSarah Johnson

It’s still hard to imagine life with three kids! Whenever we are doing our normal routines like shopping, going out to eat or getting ready for our day, I randomly shout out, “And now add a baby!” We laugh, just imagining a baby in the equation. We are very excited for Baby Boy Johnson, and wait with open arms for the adventure that is just on the other side of his delivery. This past weekend, we celebrated Baby Boy Johnson! It was a great morning spent with our friends here in South Florida. He is so loved already!!! As I was opening up the cutest little things, I got so excited- as being a mommy to a little boy became more of a reality. Two vs One.  This pregnancy is a lot different than my first pregnancy with the girls- for obvious reasons. I remember being a whole lot bigger this time of my pregnancy! I remember so many people telling me that I was ‘glowing’. As I look back at pictures, I wasn’t really glowing-it was more like sweating! Being that it was my first pregnancy, the anticipation of becoming a mommy for the first time consumed my every thought! I didn’t feel the girls move around a whole lot, as I am sure they didn’t have too much room in there. This time around, I feel him move all day long- he is already a mover and a shaker! Pregnancy Round Two. Even though there are a lot of differences in my pregnancies, there are a lot of things that are the same. As I was sitting in my bed this morning and watched my belly move in all sorts of directions, I had a BLOG moment.  I am not too sure how anyone can experience pregnancy, or know someone who has, and not believe that there is a God-a creator! The whole process is nothing short of a miracle. So many things have to go right in order for a life to be born! It’s so incredible to think that just a few weeks ago, this little guy was the size of a grain of rice. At that size, he already had a heart beat, a destiny, and a future! According to Baby Center, he is the size of a pineapple this week. How incredible.  Miracle.  There is nothing that I can DO to create this miracle. This whole process is really out of my control. I don’t craft his body, keep his heart beating, or make him grow- it is miracle from God. As we gear up to launch our first weekend Sunday service in February of 2014, I am reminded that just as giving birth to a natural baby is far beyond my control, so is ‘birthing this church.’  Maybe you are not carrying a physical child in your belly today, but you are carrying a promise. It is important to remember that there is nothing that you and I can do that will void the need for God’s miraculous power working in our lives. God is not looking for people who can make it happen, but instead, He is looking for willing vessels. Carrying this baby full term, I am required to do these 3 things.  1. Put the right things inside my body. Every night I take a prenatal vitamin that gives my body the proper nutrients it needs for my healthy, growing boy. I try and eat the right kinds of ‘power’ foods that give my baby the best of the best. When carrying a promise of God, we too need to be sure we are putting the right things in our body, not only physically, but spiritually.  2. Stay Rested. This is so important and sometimes can be easily overlooked, especially when being a mommy of 2 toddlers, a wife, a full time employee and a church planter!  When we are walking in our destiny, it is important that we get rest! Doing more doesn’t equate to better results! 3. Stay hydrated. I drink water all day long.  When we are pursuing the promises of God, we must find moments of refreshment. We need to get away for a few days and get fresh perspective! 4. Not to stress! Stress is toxic for a woman carrying a child. Pregnant woman need to avoid stress! When you and I are believing God for the impossible, we must not worry, but instead TRUST that God is faithful and will come through on His promises. Bringing It Home.  God is looking for willing people who will trust Him with their whole heart. When we do what we can do, God does what only He can do- and that is a miracle.  Whatever promise you are carrying, remember that what God has entrusted IN you is nothing short of a miracle. He is not desiring you to create the miracle, simply house it!

Every week I highlight a TRUTH about you, your life, or about a situation you may be facing and then I DARE you to believe it. TRUTH: 

“I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 

Wonderful are Your works,

And my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14

DARE: Be willing!



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