Last night, while scrambling eggs for dinner, yes eggs for dinner (don’t you judge), I placed my watch and wedding ring on the counter.
The kids were all laying low, as our day was winding down. Kennedi wanted to assist me in this gormet meal I was prepping for them and joined me near the counter. When I turned around, I saw her place my wedding ring on her finger and smile. She then asked me, “Mommy, did you get this because you married a prince?” Right then and there I had a BLOG moment.
Without any hesitation I replied with a BIG, “YES!! Mommy married a prince.”
I’m not sure there’s a person right now who has not seen blogs, read reviews or heard the chatter back and forth about the movie, “Fifty Shades Of Grey” that’s coming out on Friday. I don’t think I have been able to scroll through my feed without someone expressing their uncontrollable excitement or deep disappointment about this movie.
I sighed a big sigh of relief the other day at the fact that my girls aren’t at the age where we would have to talk about this sort of thing. But in this moment when my daughter asked me about mommy marrying her prince, I realized that this conversation, in fact, began a long time ago.
Sure, they are too small for us to chat about this movie, but they aren’t too young to begin sharing about the greatest love story ever told. The one about THE King of Kings who loved us so much that He sent His son to come to this earth and die for us, so that we could have relationship with Him forever and ever.
They aren’t too small to show them this love through our marriage, the way we love them and the way we serve our community. I do believe in “fairy tales” and “happily ever afters,” because I found mine. I did marry my prince.
Growing up, I wasn’t the girl who couldn’t wait to be married, raise kids and live on a farm. It was something I looked forward to (not the living on a farm part), but it wasn’t my “life’s goal.” I had friends who had their dress, colors, menu and all, picked out for their big day–all they needed was the groom. That wasn’t me. But at the age of 22, I found myself being swept off my feet by my guy, my prince.
I wouldn’t dare say that my marriage is perfect. I would be happy to share with you some stories about that another day! But I will boldy proclaim, that I found true love. Never once in my relationship, have I ever had to guess about BJ’s love for me. Not ever. I have never had to work or plot for his attention and affection. He hasn’t been unpredictable and he hasn’t been mysterious. He has always been honest, walked in integrity and expressed humility. Perfect, no. Mr. Right? Absolutely.
I cringe at the fact that this movie is debuting on Valentine’s Weekend. A time most single people are depressed, insecure or vulnerable because they don’t have their “person” to share it with. It’s a time where people buy over priced chocolates and flowers to show their love for one another. But, this film has nothing to do with true love. The women going to watch this film don’t REALLY want Mr. Grey, they want Mr. Right. They’ve fallen for Mr. Grey in the past–he is the one their friends warn them about, council them out of dating and pray to the good Lord for them to move on from. Mr Grey will never be Mr Right.
BJ and I will do our very best to show this TRUE LOVE to our girls, perfectly, NO! But will we be intentional and nurture their hearts? Will we protect their innocence to believe that there is a prince who is waiting to sweep them off their feet? You better bet your bottom dollar, ABSOLUTLEY. Mommy married her prince, and they will too.

“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NLT)
If you’re single, read THE BOOK about Love and get wrapped up in truth, not fairly tale. If you’re married, have a HOTT and steamy night with your husband instead of comparing your romance to the one between Ana & Christian. I promise, those things will leave you feeling whole, loved and secure!!