I have a really funny story I’d like to share with you. It’s about how I went from Mother of the Year to the epitome of #MomFail in a matter of seconds.
This past week was spirit week at school. Every day the students and teachers dress in a certain theme. Monday was favorite movie day, so you could wear a shirt with your favorite movie on it.
Well of course, we don’t have any of those kinds of shirts, so Monday morning, the girls and I hopped in the car and made the fastest Walmart trip in the history of man kind.
We found our shirts in like 2.5 seconds, checked out and by the time I was pulling out of the parking lot, the girls were changed into their new shirts.
We even stopped for Starbucks on the way since we had so much time to spare.
But this story isn’t about Monday, it’s about Wednesday.
Wednesday rolled around and we were now three days in without Daddy around. He’s been working in Tampa and momma has been holdin’ it down at home. So my brain was a little fuzzy and coffee was still in the distant future.
Wednesday was Hawaiian day and I knew we had some leis in their room, I just had to find them. After rummaging through their dress up clothes, I found them!
Not only that, but, I remembered we had two Hawaiian type shirts from the summer. Score!
We loaded up, headed out, dropped little bro off at school and we were on our way! I was sippin my coffee and as I looked in my rear view mirror, I saw the cutest hawaiin girls singing songs and ready for their day.
We were half way through the week, and I was getting things done, make-shifting spirit week outfits and feeling like Mother of the Year.
Until we pulled into the school parking lot and we’re greeted by a swarm of wacky hats/Hair and socks.
It wasn’t hawaiin day, y’all… it was Wacky Wednesday.
I might have been given a pass…. if I didn’t work at the dang school! Haha!
The girls saw what I saw and I yelled, “Girls, it’s not Hawaiin day, it’s wacky Wednesday, but rest assured, momma’s got this.”
The girls made sure I prepped the teachers and staff who were looking at their cute selves that we were going to ‘figure it out.’
I had a field trip to go on with my students, so before I left I had to make sure these girls were wacky.
I found extra uniforms shirts and managed to located not one, but two wacky looking headbands.
Before the bell rang, my girls were wacky and I could sip my now iced cold coffee, knowing, it was all good in the hood.
It was crazy and heck, would have been a whole lot easier if I was able to avoid all that craziness, but, without these moments, we would have no stories to tell.
BJ and I have had our fair share of unexpected moments. Moments you did not plan for or experiences that weren’t exactly fun in the moment.
But, one thing we have fought to do, is laugh IN the moments.
Most of us, when we share these stories, we laugh and find them to be comedic and awesome. But, we usually don’t laugh while they are happening. We are so focused trying to fix it or fight it that we don’t allow ourselves to find the joy and humor in them.
I try my best to laugh, to exhale and to remember that these are the moments that give me the stories.
If all had gone go plan, Wacky Wednesday would have just been that. But now, my girls and I share a funny story that we have now told about ten times!
So, laugh in the moments. If they’re going to be funny one day, let them be funny today. And remember, without these moments, we don’t have stories. And, if these are our stories, let’s make them good ones to share!
If you look close enough you can see the hawaiin shirt underneath, haha! ✊🏼
