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What Do You Have?

Writer's picture: Sarah JohnsonSarah Johnson

Monday Morning Commentary.

My husband and I co-lead Influence Culture, and most weeks, I get a sneak peak of the upcoming message. This past week was no different–BJ shared some of the highlights of his message. I already knew it was going to be the bomb (I’ve been wanting to say that so there ya go!)  But can I just say, this message was so on point. Even though I am married to the preacher & serve alongside him, every week I grow in my understanding of Jesus and His plan for me. Every week, I leave changed, better, more aware and encouraged to keep going.

Yesterday’s message, “What Do You Have?” was surrounded around the story of Jesus and the disciples feeding the five thousand. Jesus and his disciples were on their way to rest; a much needed time of rest might I add. As they arrive on the scene an interruption occurs. People are there to meet Jesus and they are hungry. Immediately, the disciples try to get the people to go away–they are hungry and we don’t have food.

Jesus, responds with, “What do you have?” Of course we know a little boy with a bagged lunch offers up his meal–five loaves and two fish.

It’s easy for us to see what we do not have instead of seeing what we do have. We all need more money and more time. When we see or experience “lack” we either desire something new or we live in the imagination that IF I get more THEN I will….

But, Jesus was teaching the disciples a powerful principle, one that you and I can learn from. It’s not a matter of what we do not yet posses, but it’s placing value on what we do have that makes a difference.

Jesus knew what they did have and being a miracle worker, He had the answers; but He gave the disciples the opportunity to identify what they did posses. Here are three truths we can gather from this story.


I don’t know about you, but I feel like I could have left church right here at this moment (glad I didn’t). The understanding that God knows what we need is a sobering reality; one that brings peace and reassurance. There have been a few things as of recent that I have been “worrying” about. Almost as if it is a surprise to God or out of His reach. But the truth is, God knows what we need. Whether, its finances, rest, help, comfort, a friend, HE KNOWS.

“Our Heavenly Father knows what you need before you ask.” Matthew 6:8

“We can rest in the understanding that He will not call us to something that He won’t sustain us through.” Pastor BJ (write that down 1,999x’s)

2. Give Him what you have. 

When we begin to value what we do have instead of what we don’t have, we will loosen our grip on what’s in our hands so that God can give us what’s in our hearts. God takes what we give him and blesses it. When we keep or even overlook what we do have, it’s often because we are putting the pressure on ourselves to do it. When we give it to Jesus, the pressure is on Him.

What is the LITTLE that you have that belongs in God’s hands?

3. It becomes more than enough.

The doggy bag that the disciples took home was greater than the lunch they brought to Jesus. When you and I give what we do have to Jesus, He blesses it and gives it back to us pressed down, shaken together and running over. He takes our little and makes it more than enough.

Maybe you’re like me and my husband and our heart breaks for children who are displaced from their homes. One day we’d love to adopt a child, but in this season, I can give financially, support a foster parent, volunteer at one of our partners like 4Kids of South Florida. That’s my little, but God will bless that.

Immediately after service I witnessed some of our Influencers (our volunteers) working up a sweat as they loaded our trailer and packed up our things. I wish I could send each of them on a vacation! I really do. But, I don’t have those resources. I asked myself the question, “What do I have?”

I checked my Starbucks card balance and it said 19.93. So I loaded up my kids, made a stop at Starbucks and bought drinks. Guess how much it was? Yep, 19.93… Exactly! The girl and I at the window were like, “Whaaaa?!”

I share this story, not for a pat on the back, but to encourage you to trust Jesus with the “little” you have. When we place it in His hands, He will multiply it.

Since yesterday, BJ and I have heard stories about how people were trusting God with their little. We heard about a couple in our church who mowed and de-weeded their neighbors yard while they were at work. How cool is that?!

What little do you have? 


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YAY! See you Monday.

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